Temkin Group’s 5th Anniversary Tweet Chat (#TemkinGroupChat)

Date/Time: April 28th at 3:00 PM EDT

As part of Temkin Group’s 5th Anniversary celebration, we will be holding a live Tweet Chat discussing and answering your questions about the four CX core competencies that customer-centric companies must master: Purposeful Leadership, Compelling Brand Values, Employee Engagement, and Customer Connectedness.

Use the hashtag #TemkinGroupChat to join in the conversation! Watch for tweets from @TemkinGroup, along with @btemkin@Aimee_Lucas, and @Jen_Rodstrom.

Watch this video for a quick introduction to the four CX core competencies:

Tweet Chat Questions

When you answer questions during the chat, be sure to note which question you are responding to using A1, A2, etc. and the hash tag #TemkinGroupChat.

  • Q1: Leaders set the customer experience tone “at the top.” How do your leaders demonstrate their commitment to CX to your organization at large?
  • Q2: Developing a clear mission is important for Purposeful Leadership. How does your organization’s mission support the customer experience?
  • Q3: Compelling brand values are created with promises. How is your brand translated into specific customer promises?
  • Q4: Brand promises are kept or broken when customers interact with your organization. How does your organization infuse its brand values into the design and delivery of customer experiences?
  • Q5: It’s critical to understand your customers in order to improve their customer experience. What’s a good example of how your organization embraced customer insights?
  • Q6: Engaged employees are valuable assets. What has been successful in engaging your employees in your CX journey?
  • Q7: The journey to CX maturity is tough. What are your questions about mastering the four customer experience core competencies?

How to Participate in a Tweet Chat

A tweet chat is a live Twitter event, usually moderated and focused around a general topic. To filter all the chatter on Twitter into a single conversation a hashtag is used (in this case, it’s #TemkinGroupChat). A set time is also established (3:00 PM EDT) so that the moderator (Temkin Group) is available to engage in the conversation.

You can use your Twitter account to search for all of the posts that use the hashtag #TemkinGroupChat and make sure to include the hashtag when you post a comment. You can also use one of the websites such as TweetChat, which makes it much easier to follow the conversation.

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